Dear fellow 🎹 teachers,
😖 Sick and tired of unruly and mean parents you deal with weekly? Do you want to gain more respect from them but do not know how? I want to share quick three tips to help you ease your pain:
Tip 1️⃣ Be calm – keep it cool 😎 at all times when you communicate!
Tip 2️⃣ Be authoritative – establish your boundary🚦.
Tip 3️⃣ Be empathetic – show that you care 💝.
I GET YOU. It has taken a long time to develop strategies to deal with impossible parents, and they can still show up without warning even after 25 years of experience (yikes). However, you can be in control by getting ahead of them and being smart about how you communicate with them. You got this 💪!
Want more tips on this? Email me at Hang in there!
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