Workshop 👩🏻💻, Podcast 🎙, & Recital 🎹 October 🍁 Filled with Exciting Events 🎵 at YSS!
Dear Students and Friends of Yukimi Song Studio,
Happy Fall!! Hope you are well despite the challenging circumstances we are in! I have been thinking about you. I just wanted to send you a quick update of my piano studio as there are lots of events coming up for students and YSS friends this month.
“Have you ever wondered why you could play the piece well while practicing at home, only to feel disappointed on stage? There is a much better answer than “I guess I needed more practice.” In Conquer Stage Fright, Perform with Confidence, you will be introduced to the Five Stages of Peak Performance. This is the tool you need and resolve this dilemma.”
The Piano Pod hosts an introductory FREE workshop this Sunday for students, parents, and teachers, Conquer Stage Fright, Perform with Confidence with Dr. Jon Skidmore–psychologist, performance coach, and co-author of “Conquer Anxiety.” Dr. Skidmore was in the first episode of the podcast show.
👉 The presentation: Conquer Stage Fright, Perform with Confidence!
👉 Sunday, October 11 at 4:00 p.m. (About 30 to 40 minutes and then use the remaining time for Q&A)
👉 This is an ideal workshop for students, parents, and teachers.
👉 Here is the link. Please register in advance for this meeting:
When you register before October 10th, you will receive a brief performance skills assessment by email. You fill it out and look at what you have found related to your experience as a performer. It will help you identify two or three areas of concern, so you have a focus going into the workshop.
The following topics will be discussed in the Sunday workshop:
✅ The brain and anxiety/stage fright
✅ The brain and peak performance
✅ Three strategies to deactivate or manage stage fright
✅ How to prepare mentally for a peak performance
✅ How to perform with confidence
This will be an exciting program jam-packed with great information, tools, and practices to learn how to use the brain as a peak performance tool. So, I encourage you to sign up! Of course, Dr. Skidmore’s method can be applied to any stage anxiety, not limited to musical performance!
🎙Podcast Show #1: Conversations with a Piano Student
In June 2020, Yukimi Song Studio launched a podcast show, “Conversations with a Piano Student.” It is a series of interviews with piano students who are currently taking lessons or have studied piano at Yukimi Song Studio. In each episode, we feature a student who has made quite a progress on the piano, present the stories of their piano journey and showcase their talent. We have already published two episodes, and the third episode is to be released soon!
▶️ If you haven’t watched them yet:
📺 Episode 1: Tamrin Gellert Ghai
📺 Episode 2: Ana Sofia Harrison
Special Episode: Conversations with a Piano PRO! ⤴️⤴️ To celebrate the back-to-school month, the special edition of our “Conversations with a Piano Student” show, “Conversations with a Piano Pro!” was published and premiered on our YouTube channel ( and live-streamed on our Facebook page ( last month! Our special guest for this episode was Jennifer Chiaramonte, who is a pianist and piano teacher based in NYC, and has been the top salesperson in the East Coast of Steinway and Sons! She graciously agreed to interview from the showroom of Steinway! She showed us the inside of the Steinway showroom exclusively for the viewers and listeners and explained to us the wonders of Steinway pianos. She might have a little surprise at the end of the show 😉. |

ANOTHER Special Eps: Conversations with a Piano PRO, “How OBS Can Optimize Your Online Piano Lessons”
I found that there are more topics to be discussed in the music world! So, I have decided to create “Conversations with a Piano Pro!”, which branched out from “Conversations with a Piano Student.” The second episode of the Piano Pro series was published and premiered on our YouTube ( on WEDNESDAY at 7:00 pm (EST)! We will also live-streamed the video clip on our Facebook page ( simultaneously!
Our guest for this episode is Pokie Huang, who is a pianist and piano teacher based in NYC, and he reveals the viewers a secret on how to use OBS to enhance your look on online music lessons! Now that we are more than half a year into this crazy life and getting used to the new norm, we thought we’d give you something to step up our game to make the piano lessons more fun and engaging for your students!
Even if you cannot make it for the premier or live-stream, you can watch this episode later on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, so be sure to follow Yukimi Song Studio’s social media accounts:!
🎙Podcast Show #2: THE PIANO POD
The Piano Pod is a monthly podcast created and hosted by three pianists and teachers from NYC: Yukimi Song, Eric Hunter, and Clara Zhang. The goals for this show are to examine the traditions of the piano and help to expand what it is capable of in the modern era. To this end, each month we interview a guest speaker who has been breaking exciting new ground in the industry.
In the first episode, which was published and live-streamed in September, The Piano Pod interviews Dr. Jon Skidmore, co-author of Conquer Anxiety: How to Overcome Anxiety and Optimize Your Performance. An expert in the field of performance-related anxiety, his Five Stages of Peak Performance contain a comprehensive strategy for dealing with nerves and optimizing performances both in music and elsewhere in life. If you missed the live-streamed episode, you can watch or listen to it on:
The Piano Pod Eps.2: Vera Anselmo, “How a Russian Pianist Developed One of NYC’s Most Successful Non-Profits”
The Piano Pod’s 2nd episode was live-streamed on Sept 29, 2020, at 8:00 pm (EST). In this episode, the Piano Pod interviewed Vera Anselmo, the founder and artistic director at Anselmo Academy of Music and the Arts (formerly The Piano School of New York City). Ms. Anselmo described how she went from being a young pianist from Moscow just starting out in NYC, to founding and directing one of its most successful non-profit music schools.
🎙TPP Eps.3: Mike Grande, Rock Out Loud Live!

The Piano Pod’s 3rd episode will be premiered on Facebook on Tuesday 10/13 at 8:00 EST. In the 3rd episode, the Piano Pod interviews Mike Grande, the creator of Rock Out Loud Live. One of the first videoconferencing platforms but from the ground up specifically for music lessons and performance, ROLL has the potential to change the way we do business. Mike explains the philosophy behind his software and describes the many features that differentiate it from competitors such as Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype.
Check out the website: 😎!
🎹 Piano Repertoire Class 🎶

My piano studio is co-hosting a piano repertoire class on Zoom with Rational Music Studios and Eric Hunter Music Studio on Sunday, 10/18/2020! If you are ready to perform a piece or two, let me know during the lesson.
When: 10/18/2020 Saturday
Time: 6:00pm EST
Where: Zoom (I will send you a Zoom link later!)
Enjoy the beautiful month of October! See you at all the exciting events at Yukimi Song Studio!
Yukimi Song Studio LLC