😍Happy Monday!
Here 👆 is my positive #mondayvibes for you!
Together, let’s discover what music means to YOU 🤗 through fun and empowering🎹 lessons!
🔝Sign up for a complimentary 🎹 lesson HERE.
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😍It’s Tuesday and #tunefultuesday !? 😅
This is my attempt to improvise on a famous tune 😁😅
Can you guess this song? (Hint 😉: I have been practicing some 🎹 solo transcriptions based on the Broadway tunes for upcoming events to celebrate the return of Broadway 🎭 shows!)
Leaning to improvise on the piano also takes years of practice—and it is such an essential skill to have!
Do you like to improvise on the 🎹?
#improvisation #improv #practicepiano #pianopractice #pianists #pianoteacher #musiclessons #musicmatters #pianolovers🎹

🎂Happy Birthday, Mr. Karol Szymonowki (1882-1937)!
🎵Szymanowski was born at Timoshovka in the 🇺🇦 on Oct. 6, 1882 to a wealthy, highly cultured Polish🇵🇱 family that encouraged his obvious musical talent.
In 1901 he entered the Warsaw Conservatory, and after graduation he went to Berlin in 1905. There he and three other young Polish composers founded a society called Young Poland in Music.
Compositions of this early period are numerous 🎹 pieces—Preludes (1901, 1905), Etudes (1902), and Variations (1901, 1904)—introduced by Artur Rubinstein in his concerts; and violin pieces—a Sonata (1904), Romance (1909), and Notturn e tarantella (1914)—introduced by Paul Kochanski. The Love Songs of Hafiz (1910, 1914) and the opera Hagith (1912-1913) reflect Szymanowski’s interest in Oriental mysticism and philosophy.
Mythes (1915) is a set of three pieces for violin and piano. Among three, the Fountain of Arethusa, became his best-known and most frequently performed composition.
During the 1920s Szymanowski’s compositions became known to a wider audience through their inclusion in the annual programs sponsored by the International Society of Contemporary Music, and he emerged as Poland’s most eminent composer. He became director of the Warsaw Conservatory in 1926. At this time Szymanowski’s works began to reflect his national heritage.
Harnassie (1926) is a ballet-opera based on Polish peasant music and traditions, similar to Igor Stravinsky’s treatment of Russian folklore in Les Noces and Bohuslav Martinu’s use of Czech themes in Spalicek.
Szymanowski’s Stabat Mater (1928) for solo voices, mixed chorus, and orchestra reconciles Palestrina counterpoint with Slavic melodies. A cycle of 12 songs (1930) was inspired by the folk music of the Kurpie region of Poland. Other important compositions are the Second Violin Concerto (1930) and the Symphonie Concertante for piano and orchestra (1932), both distinctly Polish in character.
Szymanowski died of tuberculosis in Lausanne, Switzerland, on March 28, 1937.
#karolszymanowski #birthday #composer #polishcomposer #pianolovers🎹 #classicalmusic #pianist #pianolessons
🎉Happy #techthursday!
Let me share my #behindthescenes footage of how I set up my fun virtual 🎹 teaching everyday!
👏I’m using 3 cameras in one session so that my students can see my demo in detail from the other side of the screen!
There are so many benefits to virtual 🎹 lessons:
✅ I get to use my own piano while teaching!
✅ Students get to use their own 🎹!
✅ Convenient!
✅ Can be flexible with schedule!
✅ Students can record the session—they can watch my instructions later!
✅ Even ion the snow day, we can keep on playing 🎹🎵 together!
So grateful for #OBS to make my teaching more fun and engaging to students❤️
#virtualpianolessons #pianolessons #onlinepianolessons #piano #pianoteacher

🎊 #happyfriday #tgif 🥳
Monday morning started with the mood😫, which my poor niece 👧 is portraying in the photo on the left. (To be fair, she is currently going through a full-blown toddler tantrum phase😌.)
As the days went by, things got better and now I feel 🤩 just as my nephew is showing on the right.
Of course, it’s Friday and who doesn’t feel happy 😊!? I wish you a great weekend—enjoy the extra day off on Monday for us in !
What is your plan for the weekend!?
#happyfriday #happyweekend #columbusdayweekend #pianoteacher #pianist #musicmatters
That’s it for this week’s blog! Have a terrific week and don’t forget to sign up for a complimentary session with me👇! 👩🏫Let’s discover TOGETHER what music means to YOU!